Minority calls for suspension of controversial 10-year contract with SML

The Minority caucus in Parliament has recently brought to light their concerns regarding the 10-year contract between the Finance Ministry and Strategic Mobilisation Ghana Limited (SML) for revenue assurance services. John Jinapor, Ranking Member on the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament, has labeled the contract as a "rip-off" and a "burden on taxpayers," alleging that it is designed to enrich "greedy politicians."

During a press briefing on Monday, Jinapor emphasized the need for the immediate suspension of the contract until a thorough probe by the minority caucus can be conducted to investigate possible mismanagement. He expressed doubt regarding the value for money in the contract, asserting that it primarily serves to line the pockets of individuals at the expense of taxpayers.

"We cannot allow the taxpayer to be burdened with such unnecessary contracts that only serve to enrich individuals. Therefore, we strongly advise that the contract be suspended pending a parliamentary investigation. If our findings confirm the allegations, we will ensure that the contract is terminated," stated Mr. Jinapor.

In addition to the concerns raised about the contract, Mr. Jinapor also highlighted potential implications for Ghana's negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He pointed out that Ghana's failure to service its external debts may lead to a delay in the IMF board meeting to consider the second tranche of a $3 billion credit facility, which has reportedly been postponed until January 11, 2024.

Jinapor cautioned that this delay could pose a significant risk to the hard-won economic progress achieved by the government, underscoring the importance of addressing the debt servicing issue promptly to avoid jeopardizing Ghana's economic stability.

The Minority caucus's call for the suspension of the contract and their concerns about Ghana's negotiations with the IMF reflect their commitment to safeguarding public resources and ensuring fiscal responsibility. It remains to be seen how these issues will be addressed by the relevant authorities in the coming days.

(By Habiba Fuseni | Mydailyreports24)

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