Ghanaian data analysts Okoampah Kwaning, Lawer Akrofi share experiences on Tableau

The technology sector in Ghana has received a major boost as two young Ghanaians; Philip Okoampah Kwaning and Lawer Akrofi got a feature on a Tableau Public.

Tableau is the best data analysis tool used by data scientists around the world for providing nice and intuitive visuals and creating business intelligence dashboards. The community of users choose the best and brightest users and display their profiles on their website to congratulate them for the contributions in the community.

The recently featured authors had 13 of the best and brightest from all around the world which featured two young Ghanaians. This is historic as it is the first time a Ghanaian has received a feature.

Lawer Akrofi, one of the featured Ghanaians, is a freelance Tableau developer who is passionate about building beautiful dashboards that help clients find valuable insights in their data and his aim is to create more impactful visualizations such as this to help create awareness on compelling topics.

Philip Okoampah Kwaning is a data analyst and Tableau developer at Bsystems Limited. Philip aims at creating a big Tableau user-community in Ghana.

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