Nana Gives Another GH¢1m To Starters

President Akufo-Addo presenting a cheque to Douglas Akolgo, winner of the 3rd Edition of the Presidential Pitch

Ten young beneficiaries of the third edition of the Presidential Pitch initiative walked home with various sums of money ranging from GH¢30,000 to GH¢70,000, both totalling GH¢1million.

The monies, presented by President Akufo-Addo yesterday, is intended to serve as a support to grow their businesses as young entrepreneurs.
Also, the President personally donated GH¢30,000 to the GH¢70,000 won by the ultimate winner, Douglas Akolgo.
Speaking at a brief presentation ceremony at the Jubilee House, he commended each one of them who were selected from a pool of over 600 other applicants for their various initiatives.
“I want you to see yourselves first as Ghanaian entrepreneurs, but apart from that, there is a huge world out there which you have to do your best to conquer. So you should see yourselves both as Ghanaian entrepreneurs and a global entrepreneur, people who are going to change the circumstances in which we all live and for that to happen, innovation, new ideas are key,” he advised.
He said “my function and the function of my government is to try to create the circumstances and condition that will give you the best opportunity, maintain stability in our micro economy and give you the best possible additions to be able to operate and succeed.”
He, therefore, asked them to scale up their businesses, increase and expand the work they are doing, since according to him, “that is the way you are going to make an impact.”
The Minister for Business Development, Mohammed Awal, commended the President for showing the commitment to improve youth entrepreneurship in the country.
He revealed that the Presidential Pitch initiative caught the attention of many outside the country, for which reason they have had enquiries from five countries in the sub-region to help them replicate the module in their respective countries.
He said “for now, we are only waiting for the borders to be opened so we can go and help those countries develop the module.”
President Akufo-Addo with Akosua Frema Osei-Opare, Chief of Staff, and winners of the 3rd Edition of the Presidential Pitch.
“Despite the pandemic (coronavirus) and its effect on businesses, Ghanaians are still confident that when the pandemic goes down, their businesses will rebound because of the way you have managed the economy and the pandemic,” he noted.
For the last three years that the programme has been running, the minister said pessimism had given way to optimism, while despondency had also given way to courage. He commended the President for the effort.
This year’s winner, Douglas Akolgo, on behalf of his colleagues, expressed profound gratitude to President Akufo-Addo and his government for the support.

By Charles Takyi-Boadu

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