Not even family property is shared with such impunity – Nana Jane to Akufo-Addo


Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang is runningmate of the NDC

The Running Mate of the National Democratic  Congress (NDC) flag-bearer, Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, has said the party will deal decisively with issues of corruption when voted into power.

She said the Party shall safeguard and protect the country’s national assets and natural resources for the benefit of all Ghanaians, not just a select few.

Prof Opoku-Agyemang was addressing a Townhall meeting in Cape Coast.

“We are at a critical point of our country”, she said. “Events we have all witnessed these last four years should make it clear that it is the NDC government that has always shown dedication to fighting corruption, including holding members of its own government accountable.”

The Running Mate said in times like today when issues of corruption were rife, the country was sorely missing such levels of commitment to the fight against corruption and it should concern all.

“We should all care that half of our natural resources are not given away to obscure entities shrouded in opaque deals,” she added.

Prof Opoku-Agyemang said citizens should all care so that critical asset like a national airport were not given away for a pittance. Speaking firmly with a tone of concern and resolve, she stated that “We must not arrive at a destination where our national assets and natural resources are treated by some as if it were assets and resources of their own creation. Not even family inheritance is appropriated with such impunity”!

She said this was not just about politics, it was about fighting for the soul of this country.

She said “We cannot afford to fail,” indicating that when they show up to vote on December 7th, they were not only voting to replace an underperforming government but rather they were voting to save their country.

She urged supporters to show up at their polling stations, stand in line and make sure they cast their votes correctly.

The Running Mate called on them to vote like their lives depend on it, because it really does.

She said John Mahama and herself have done their part, it was time for them to finish the rest in victory and in style.

Prof Opoku-Agyemang asked the supporters to vote for a man with a track record of accomplishments, a man, who has done it before and would do it again.

“Vote for a man who will build a government of the people, for the people, and by the people,” she added, to thundering applause.

Source: Ghana|Starrfm|103.5FM

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