Our political affiliations shouldn’t deter us from securing Ghana’s peace – Nana Addo charges

The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says the time has come for Ghanaians to collectively uphold the peace and tranquility of the country after the 2020 polls.

Nana Addo believes that the biggest lesson of the recently held presidential and parliamentary election is the shunning of actions that have the propensity of throwing Ghana into a state of disarray.

Speaking at the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) victory thanksgiving service on Sunday, Nana Akufo-Addo said all hands must be on deck to forestall post-election tensions which may derail the economic and social development which has been achieved over the past years.

He said the New Patriotic Party (NPP), following the elections, possesses a renewed commitment to ensure the success of Ghana’s democracy.

“This occasion enables us of the NPP to renew our commitment to the promotion of democracy and good governance in our nation and also recommit ourselves to work for the rapid development of our nation and its economy so we can bring prosperity to all the people of Ghana without discrimination. This is a tough task but one that is at the centre of this noble political tradition to which we belong and it is one that calls us to duty, service and sacrifice. We have to take the lead in bringing to fruition, the main teachings of this election – which is that all persons of goodwill, no matter their political affiliation have to work together to secure the peace, prosperity and progress of our nation”, he said.

The President added that Ghana remains a cradle of democracy and good governance in the world hence, the need for both government and the citizenry to work together to maintain this enviable status.

He further assured state institutions of the necessary support to enable them to carry out their duties in a congenial environment devoid of any form of chaos.

“Ghana continues to stand as a beacon of democracy, good governance on our continent and around the world. It is our responsibility and generation to do everything possible to maintain this standing and reputation. On my part, I will do whatever I can and spare no effort to ensure that the institutions of our Republic and our democratic engagement are not disturbed and are continued in full force in effect for the welfare and benefit of the people of Ghana”.

The NPP’s interdenominational service was held at the forecourt of the State House on Sunday December 27, 2020.

It was themed,  “Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us, for the battle is the Lord’s.”

Present was Vice President, Dr. Mahammudu Bawumia, top government officials, party executives and members of the clergy.


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