Gov’t to resolve chieftaincy disputes with DNA database – Minister-designate


Government will resort to a DNA database to resolve chieftaincy disputes in future, the Minister-Designate for Religious and Chieftaincy Affairs, Ebenezer Kojo Kum has said.

He says the lack of credible data on the genealogy of families makes resolving chieftaincy issues difficult.

“Already the National House of Chiefs has started the process of documenting the various successions to the stools and skins. When I am given the nod, I intend to collaborate with them on another level to, if possible, introduce a DNA genealogy database that will complement what is already being used,” he told the apartment committee Friday during his vetting in Parliament.

He added: “Currently, you have to trace your family tree to find who has a legitimate right to occupy a stool or skin. With this kind of collaboration, there can be some certainty as to which individuals are eligible to contest some of these stools and skins as and when they become vacant”.

Ghana is plagued with several protracted disputes over kinship and communal leadership. the challenge over stools and properties associated with such stools have led to the killing of many and maiming of thousands over the years.



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