Okudzeto bemoans ‘cruel’ neglect of Volta tidal waves in 2022 budget

Member of Parliament for North Tongu Constituency Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has described as “most shocking and an unpardonable dereliction” the total silence of the 2022 budget on the raging disaster along the coast of the Volta Region.

He said having combed through the budget as presented by the Finance Minister on Wednesday, November 17, absolutely no word was mentioned on the tidal waves in Ketu, Anlo, Keta and their environs.

To him, “just as the President refused to say a word of empathy or solidarity prior to the budget presentation so has the budget which is delivered on his authority pursuant to Articles 179 and 180 of the 1992 Constitution been dead silent on this national emergency”.

He wrote on Thursday, November 18 that this comes in sharp contrast to assurances by the Minister of Works and Housing, Francis Asenso Boakye, that the Finance Minister has been engaged to make provision for Phase 2 of the Blekusu Coastal Protection Project in the budget.

-By Emmanuel Kwame Amoh|3news|Ghana

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