Ayirebi SHS: Classrooms made dormitory, dining hall turned classrooms as students lament

Ayirebi Senior High School in Ofoase Ayirebi Constituency in Eastern region is facing serious infrastructural challenges compelling students to sleep in classrooms converted into dormitory while learning under makeshift pavilion structure.

Ayirebi Senior High School has not seen any major facelift and infrastructural expansion since its establishment in 1992.

The Free Senior High School policy which has led to exponential increase in students population has worsened pressure on the limited facilities on campus.

A visit to the school observed that some classrooms have been converted into dormitory due to inadequate accommodation facilities .

A pavilion structure which serves as dinning and Assembly halls has also been demarcated into classrooms for some first year students.

The entire boarding students numbering over thousand rely on a single borehole due to failure by management to repair a borehole for the boys which damaged months ago.

Students therefore join long queues everyday to fetch water affecting punctuality .

Female students say the deplorable state of the toilet facility in the school causing lots of vaginal infections .

A female student lamented to Starr News that “We are facing a lot of problems in my school.some of the problems are inadequate dormitories.Our dormitories are too small.Looking at the population in the school and looking at the dormitories it doesn’t help us due to that there are lot of diseases spreading”.

She bemoaned further that ” Our lavatory is not good .Some of the girls are getting candiasis which is causing a lot to us. We don’t feel comfortable when we are in class even the the desks are inadequate.So you see two people on one desk.It doesn’t help us sit comfortably in class .Out dining hall.Our food is not good always one food it is not helping us”.

A male student also stated “Problems that we are facing in the school is a lot but I have Tru things I want to talk about.

First thing is school dormitory.We don’t have a lot of accomodation.We don’t have a lot of dormitories so some of the classrooms have been changed to dormitories and because of that we don’t have a place for people to learn.For the water that we drink you can see that we have two boreholes in the school but one is spoilt so for boys and girls we use only one borehole with four taps because of the students. We are always late to go the class”.

src:|By|Kojo Ansah|Starrfm|103.5FM|Ghana

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