EC’s reliance on Ghana Card not suitable - Majority Leader

The Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana has been considering the use of the Ghana Card as the sole document for voter registration in the upcoming 2024 general election. However, the Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, has expressed concerns regarding this proposal.

Challenges with Ghana Card as Sole Document for Voter Registration

At a leadership meeting with members of the Parliamentary Press Corps, Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu stated that it would be a challenge for the EC to rely solely on the Ghana Card for voter registration. The ongoing challenges with the issuance of the Ghana Card by the National Identification Authority (NIA) remained a setback, and therefore, the Ghana Card could not be the sole document for the voter registration exercise.

Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu highlighted that many eligible voters registered by the NIA were yet to be issued with the Ghana Card. The EC's initial decision to link voter registration for the district level elections to the Ghana Card had faced criticism due to the exclusion of eligible voters who lacked the card. Therefore, making the Ghana Card the sole document for voter registration will create similar issues.

Concerns Regarding Ghana Card's Use as Proof of Identity

The Minority Leader, Dr Cassiel Ato Forson, also expressed his concerns regarding the Ghana Card's use as proof of identity and its ability to substitute the right to vote in a democratic process. Dr Forson urged the EC to have another look at its decision and work closely with the NIA to ensure the registration of eligible voters.

Suggestions for Addressing Challenges

Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu suggested that if the EC could assure that every eligible Ghanaian would be provided with the Ghana Card, it could bring the instrument on the Ghana Card. However, if not every eligible Ghanaian has been registered or can be registered, then it becomes difficult to tie the registration solely to the Ghana Card.

Withdrawal of Constitutional Instrument (C.I.) for Creation of Guan Constituency

In response to a question on the EC having withdrawn the Constitutional Instrument (C.I.) meant for the creation of the Guan Constituency, Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu revealed that the EC might have submitted another C.I. for its withdrawal concurrently with presenting it for presentation when Parliament convened. However, he expressed that if they had spoken to him earlier, the request for withdrawal would not have been necessary.

The Minority Leader added that between the Subsidiary Legislation Committee members and the EC, there had been an agreement that the C.I. should no longer be withdrawn. He emphasized that they were having conversations to ensure that the people of Santrofi, Akpafu, Likpe, and Lolobi would have their constituency.

In conclusion, it is essential for the EC to consider all eligible voters' registration and ensure that no one is excluded from exercising their democratic right to vote. The use of the Ghana Card as the sole document for voter registration must be reevaluated to address any potential issues and ensure a fair and transparent electoral process.

(This article is sourced from and curated by Beth Bellew | Mydailyreports24)

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