No Ghana Card, no salary for public sector workers from Feb 2024

The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has announced a significant directive that will impact public sector workers in Ghana. Beginning February 2024, employees without Ghana Card numbers will face the freezing of their salaries. This decision forms part of the government's efforts to eliminate ghost names from the payroll system.

The decision was made following discussions between the CAGD and the National Identification Authority (NIA) regarding a special registration exercise for individuals who have not yet obtained their Ghana Card. Despite efforts to reach an agreement on proposed timelines for the registration exercise, it appears that there was a miscommunication between the two entities.

The NIA has communicated its inability to conduct a special registration exercise, instead opting to open offices nationwide for general registration, with a specific focus on public sector employees. In response to this, the CAGD has issued a critical advisory to its staff and members, stressing the importance of registering for Ghana Cards at any of the 292 NIA offices across the country.

It is crucial for government employees to prioritize compliance with this directive. Failure to do so may result in the freezing of salaries from February 2024 onwards. Therefore, all affected individuals are strongly urged to take immediate action and ensure that they acquire their Ghana Card numbers within the stipulated timeframe.

This development underscores the government's commitment to enhancing transparency and efficiency within the public sector. By aligning with the NIA's efforts to facilitate widespread registration, the CAGD aims to streamline payroll processes and curb fraudulent activities.

As we approach the implementation date, it is essential for affected individuals to proactively engage with the registration process and avoid any disruptions to their salaries. The CAGD will continue to monitor compliance closely and provide support to employees throughout this transition period.

In conclusion, the upcoming freezing of salaries for public sector workers without Ghana Card numbers reflects a pivotal step towards ensuring the integrity of the government's payroll system. By adhering to this directive, employees can contribute to a more accountable and sustainable public sector workforce.

(By Juliana Boatemaah Bentil | Mydailyreports24)

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