President urges citizens to prioritize healthy living

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo's recent call for citizens to adopt healthy lifestyles and behaviors to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a timely and crucial message in the face of rising NCD incidence in the country. During a meeting with the leadership of the Ghana Red Cross Society at the Jubilee House in Accra, President Akufo-Addo emphasized the need for increased public discourse on the impact of NCDs and urged health authorities and stakeholders to take proactive measures.

The proposed campaign, "Agenda 3.4", focusing on educating and encouraging people to embrace healthy lifestyles, has garnered the President's support. He highlighted the government's commitment to crafting messages that raise awareness about the dangers of NCDs and the importance of preventive measures. President Akufo-Addo also stressed the significance of regular health check-ups, particularly monitoring blood pressure and sugar levels, as a means of taking personal health seriously.

Acknowledging the influential role of politicians in national communication, President Akufo-Addo welcomed the idea of integrating wellness messages into political campaigns. He emphasized the potential impact of political endorsement in reaching a wider audience with vital health information.

Furthermore, the President commended the Ghana Red Cross Society for its invaluable contributions to national development, particularly in times of disasters. He encouraged the organization to continue its service to communities.

Dr. Edward Donkoh, acting President of the GRCS, outlined the organization's plans to educate people on managing blood pressure and blood sugar through health promotion programs and early detection screenings. Emphasizing the broader societal factors contributing to diabetes and hypertension, Dr. Donkoh underscored the need to engage social influencers as ambassadors in shifting the perception of these diseases from mere health issues to broader developmental imperatives.

Expressing gratitude to President Akufo-Addo for his leadership in championing NCD prevention, Dr. Donkoh affirmed the Red Cross's commitment to supporting the President's efforts. He expressed optimism that Ghana's exemplary practices in addressing NCDs would serve as a model for the world.

President Akufo-Addo's advocacy for NCD prevention and the collaboration with the Ghana Red Cross Society reflect a concerted effort to address a critical public health issue. By promoting healthy living and proactive measures, the government and its partners are taking significant steps towards safeguarding the well-being of citizens and setting an example for global best practices in NCD management.

(This article is sourced from and curated by Ameyaw Frank | Mydailyreports24)

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