President Akufo-Addo Assures Ghanaians of Democratic Stability

In a national broadcast to commemorate Constitution Day, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo reaffirmed his commitment to upholding Ghana's democracy and ensuring its stability. The President's address on January 6, ahead of the Constitution Day on January 7, conveyed a strong message of assurance to the citizens of Ghana.

President Akufo-Addo emphasized his unwavering dedication to preserving the democratic values enshrined in the country's Constitution. He reiterated his solemn oath to protect and defend the Republic of Ghana, making it clear that he will not tolerate any attempt to derail the democratic process.

Acknowledging the historical significance of Constitution Day, which marks the beginning of the 4th republican constitutional dispensation in Ghana, the President highlighted the country's sustained efforts to uphold the principles of democracy over the years.

Furthermore, President Akufo-Addo underscored the importance of individual and collective responsibility in contributing to the progress of society. He urged Ghanaians to embrace the values of democratic accountability, respect for the rule of law, human rights, and individual liberty, emphasizing that these principles are fundamental to national development and prosperity.

As a reflection of the significance of Constitution Day, January 8 was declared a holiday due to the observance falling on a Sunday. This holiday serves as a symbol of Ghana's commitment to democratic governance and stability.

The President's assurance that Ghana will emerge victorious in upholding democratic principles, transcending individual party interests, resonates with a vision for a free society. He called upon citizens to embrace both liberty and duty, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between freedom and proactive contribution to the common good.

President Akufo-Addo urged Ghanaians to use the occasion of Constitution Day as an opportunity to renew their dedication to the democratic ideals that have positioned Ghana as a beacon of democracy and stability on the African continent. His words serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility to uphold and cherish the democratic values that underpin the nation's progress.

President Akufo-Addo's address on Constitution Day reinforces the importance of safeguarding Ghana's democracy and upholding its status as a symbol of stability in Africa. His unwavering commitment to ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections in December 2024 reflects a resolute stance in preserving the democratic fabric of the nation.

As Ghanaians mark Constitution Day, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the foundational principles of democracy and recommit to the shared responsibility of nurturing a society where liberty and duty coexist for the greater good.

(By Christiana Abbey | Mydailyreports24)

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