Kunsu: One dead, seven injured after security guard opened fire on locals

We are deeply saddened to report on a tragic incident that occurred at an illegal mining site in Kunsu near Nyame Adom in the Ahafo Ano South West District of the Ashanti Region. The unfortunate event resulted in one fatality and seven individuals sustaining injuries.

According to reports, the altercation transpired when local residents ventured to the mining site in pursuit of gold deposits following the cessation of daily operations by the Chinese operators. A security guard employed to protect the site attempted to deter the locals from accessing the area, leading to a confrontation. Regrettably, the situation escalated, and the security guard resorted to discharging a firearm in the direction of the residents, causing injuries to eight individuals.

Tragically, a 17-year-old succumbed to the injuries sustained during the altercation while receiving medical attention at the Mankranso Government Hospital. Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and loved ones of the deceased during this difficult time.

In the aftermath of the incident, two of the injured parties have been transferred to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital for advanced medical care, while the remaining individuals continue to receive treatment at the local medical facility. Additionally, in a distressing turn of events, irate members of the community reportedly set fire to an excavator belonging to the owners of the mining site.

Local authorities have initiated investigations into the shooting; however, no arrests have been made at present. The body of the deceased has been transferred to the morgue as part of official procedures.

Felix Nkansah, the Assembly Member for the Nyame Adom Electoral Area, provided confirmation of the distressing incident and emphasized the customary practice of locals seeking gold nuggets at mining sites once operations have ceased for the day. He also revealed that the mining site in question employs local individuals for security purposes and is operated by Chinese nationals.

As we await further developments in this tragic event, we urge for a thorough and expeditious investigation to bring clarity to the circumstances surrounding the shooting. Our hope is for swift justice and a comprehensive review of security measures at such sites to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

We extend our sympathies to all those affected by this distressing occurrence and emphasize the importance of upholding safety and security in all endeavors.

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