You can complete E-block school if you’re frustrated – Akufo-Addo to Aflao Chief

President Akufo-Addo has clapped back at the Chief of Aflao in the Volta region over his criticism against his government on an abandoned E-block school started by the NDC in Aflao.

The Paramount Chief Torgbui Adzonugaga Amenya Fiti had given government four months to complete the community day senior high school which had stalled since 2016.

“After senior high school education, the next degree that my people have to do is to go to border and go and do kayayo, no school.

“The only school that we have is the RC Senior High School that belongs to the Catholic Mission Minor Seminary. So this thick population has no place to go and people sit down in that big hall called parliament and not thinking about Aflao, a place after the Tema Harbour , the next revenue generation is from the Aflao border.

“I had to push the former President Mahama for the structure to be constructed over there. I had to be running from here to Accra begging.  Should we beg for education?,” the Chief fumed in a meeting with the Minority caucus when they visited him earlier this week.

Speaking in an interview with Peace FM Thursday, the President said most of the schools started by Mr Mahama have been completed by his government.

“Many of the E-blocks are being worked on across the country.

“Is he [Torgbui Adzonugaga Amenya Fiti] the one to give the minister ultimatum, then he should go ahead and complete the project,” he told host Kwami Sefa Kai.


-By Starrfm|103.5FM|Ghana

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