Plan to purchase new presidential jet not the best – Ablakwa

North Tongu Member of Parliament Samuel Okudzeto Alakwa has rejected the decision by the government to hold consultations on the plan to purchase a new Presidential jet in the face of serious economic challenges.

“A government which claims to be facing one of the most difficult economic challenges of the modern era and for which it seeks to railroad and obnoxious and regressive E-levy should not be holding consultations for the purchase of a new Presidential jet,” he said in a tweet on Wednesday December 15.

Hos comments come after Defence Minister, Dominic Nitiwul told parliament on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 that consultations were ongoing on the purchase of a new presidential jet.

Mr Nitiwul said he would table the move before parliament when the consultations are over.

The Bimbila lawmaker was responding to questions raised by Mr Ablakwa on the steps the ministry has initiated to purchase a new presidential jet and the justification.

Executive jet does not mean it is for the sole use of the president. In America, no other person can use the Airforce One apart from the President and the Vice.

“We have an executive jet and I am saying to you that Executive Jet issued to do government business and that is the classification.”

He had earlier revealed that the Ghana Airforce is requesting for a multi-functional aircraft to add to its inventory as a requisite command and control asset.

“The Ghana Airforce of Ghana is once again requesting for a multi-functional aircraft to add to its inventory as a requisite command and control asset, to be able to connect Ghana’s National Security to diplomacy,” he said on the floor of Parliament while answering questions about the cost of renting a presidential jet for President Akufo-Addo’s recent trip to Europe, on Wednesday June 16.

Mr Ablakwa had raised issues with claims that the cost of renting a presidential jet for President Akufo-Addo’s trips doesn’t matter.

This was after Mr Nitiwul had justified the president’s decision to rent a luxurious aircraft for use two weeks ago on a Europe and Africa tour at the cost of over 2.6 million cedis.

He said the capacity of the falcon presidential aircraft can no longer carry the president’s entourage without re-fueling.

 “The decision to travel particularly  to long and multiple  destinations such as the president travelling to France, Belgium,  South African and  back to Ghana  especially during this covid  time will always require  a larger capacity aircraft such as a DBKJ or an aircraft  ATJ 319  even when the Falcon is  air ready,” he said.

-By  3news|Ghana

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