Show leadership and resolve Krobo-ECG impasse – NDC to Akuf-Addo

The Eastern Regional National Democratic Congress (NDC) has called on President Akufo-Addo to show leadership and resolve the ongoing conflict between the people of Yilo and Manya Krobo and the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

Residents of Yilo and Lower Manya Krobo municipality in the Eastern region have been cut off from the national grid for close to three weeks now.

The situation has forced the health workers in the areas to threaten withdrawal of their services if power is not restored for them.

But, the Managing Director for Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Samuel Dubik Masubir Mahama has indicated that workers with his company feel safe working with the military on the Krobo land.

Speaking to Nana Aba Anamoah on Starr Chat Wednesday, the ECG boss reiterated that his men can only safely work with the 64 Regiment of the Ghana Armed Forces who are skilled in electrical works to speed up the work in the area.

However, the Eastern Regional Communication Officer for the NDC, Darlas Ampomah Williams in an interview on Starr Today Thursday alleged that President Akufo-Addo is allowing the situation to continue because the area is an NDC stronghold.

“The issue started with the overbilling some six to seven years ago and the previous government did a lot of work to bring sanity to the area. Unfortunately for us, in the last four to five years the government has not been able to show leadership. The reason the impasse has escalated to this level.

“And as I speak with you about four persons lost their lives as a result of this leaderless administration. As the biggest opposition party in the country, we feel it is about time we add our voice to the brouhaha happening in the Krobo enclave,” the Communication Officer said.

The NDC is demanding that the ECG and the Ministry of Energy as well as the Ghana Police render an unqualified apology to the people of Krobo for the lives lost so far.

“They should make available compensation packages to those that maimed as a result of the demonstration. We expect that with policy formulation if you are bringing in a new there is the need to sensitize the people for the change you intend to bring.

“Unfortunately, in this instance, the ECG, the Ministry of Energy and the government did not do enough sensitization in the area. All the people witnessed were the workers of ECG mounting poles and replacing the postpaid meters with prepaid meters.

The NDC is therefore demanding that the Akufo-Addo administration reconnect power to the people of Krobo to the national grid.

According to the NDC, about 70 to 80 per cent of prepaid meters have already been installed for the people and therefore sees no reason to tag the people as violent and refuse the ECG workers from working.

“They are just using that as a springboard to deny the people of Krobo what is due them. During the demonstration, the police fired tear gas and live bullets used on the demonstrators. That resulted in the loss of about four lives.”

-By Starrfm|103.5FM|Ghana

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