Buipe: There are fears of possible reprisal attacks – Adib Saani warns

Security analyst, Adib Saani has stated that there could be possible reprisal attacks in the Buipe crisis describing it as dangerous for Ghana’s security.

His comment comes on the back of the chieftaincy crisis in the Buipe traditional area.

Nine persons have been arrested in connection with the attack on the newly enskinned Fulani chief, Ibrahim Musah, and his household.

Some youth of Buipe went on a vandalism spree destroying and setting houses of the people of Fulani extraction on fire.

The situation has brought in heavy security presence in the area for peace and order.

Commenting on the development on Starr News, Mr. Saani advised that the chiefs and the Fulani side should sit and address the situation. 

He revealed that the information he is picking up is distressing.

“the immediate reason for the clash is because a chieftaincy title was bestowed on a Fulani and some youth in the society said no way they are not going to allow that. So, that is what resulted in the burning down of houses, some individuals were arrested. People were not also happy about it. So the Fulani chief in question has been advised to stand aside until the situation is under control.”

“For now, it is somewhat sticky and my fear is the possibility of reprisal. I hope it doesn’t happen because we have a bit of security presence on the ground both the police and the military. I am hoping at the same time that an amicable solution will be found to this. We just have to be careful.”

-By Bernice Mensah|Starrfm|Ghana 

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