2024 budget is good, no one will oppose it - Finance Minister

The recent presentation of the 2024 budget statement by Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has generated mixed reactions from various stakeholders in Ghana. While the Minister believes that the budget statement is a good document that provides relief to Ghanaians, the Minority in Parliament has opposed it on the basis that it contains too many taxes that will further worsen the sufferings of Ghanaians.

In an interview with TV3's Martin Asiedu Darteh, Mr Ofori-Atta expressed his optimism that the budget statement will be approved, stating that he does not see any reason why someone will be against it. However, he is advocating for an amendment to the Standing Orders of Parliament relative to the approval of budget statements. He wants a departure from the current status quo where the speaker's ruling in voice votes that “ayes have it” is challenged, leading to headcounts to determine the approval or otherwise of the budget.

According to Mr Ofori-Atta, the Standing Orders should be changed to allow for the budget to be approved during the initial stages and then when it comes to the estimates and the appropriations stage, the challenges can be mounted and argued out. He believes that this will save time and prevent unnecessary delays in the approval process.

The Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin has directed the business committee to reschedule the headcount for the approval of the 2024 budget to next week. A final decision will be taken on the budget during that session. In Parliament on Thursday, November 30, the Speaker indicated that the matter is not up for debate.

The Majority side of the House boycotted proceedings on Wednesday, November 29, making it the second time they are walking out on their own budget after they first did so on the 2022 budget statement which introduced the e-levy. They disagreed with the way Mr Bagbin was conducting the business and accused him of delaying proceedings in order for the Minority to have their full numbers in the House.

The Minority Leader Dr Cassiel Ato Forson accused the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of lacking the numbers to approve the 2024 budget statement. Addressing the press, Dr Ato Forson said “The NPP does not have the numbers to approve their own budget, sensing defeat they decided to walk out. The NDC MPs were ready to vote against the budget.

Amidst all these controversies, it is important to note that the 2024 budget statement is a crucial document that will determine the economic direction of Ghana for the next fiscal year. It is therefore important for all stakeholders to put aside their political differences and work together in the best interest of Ghana.

(This article is sourced from 3news.com and curated by Eddie Benson | Mydailyreports24)

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