Chiefs, people of Adamorobe picket at Roads Ministry over poor roads

 The community of Adamorobe, located in the Akwapem South Municipality of the Eastern Region, recently made headlines as its residents staged a protest at the Ministry of Roads and Highways. Their demand for urgent repairs to the 10km road that runs through their community to Aburi reflects the frustration of a community that has been grappling with poor road conditions for an extended period.

Despite their unsuccessful attempts to engage local authorities in addressing the deteriorating state of the road, the residents of Adamorobe took the proactive step of presenting a petition to the Roads Ministry in Accra. Their hope is for swift and effective action to be taken to rectify the situation.

Dr. Raymond Takyi, an opinion leader in Adamorobe, emphasized the significant impact that the condition of the road could have on the upcoming December elections. He highlighted the fundamental role of leadership in addressing community challenges, stressing that the responsibility of leaders is to solve problems and cater to the needs of the people they serve.

While acknowledging the potential for political motivations in their actions, Dr. Takyi underscored the genuine need for effective leadership and problem-solving, emphasizing that the community's concerns are rooted in the practical necessity of addressing critical infrastructure issues.

The plight of Adamorobe serves as a poignant reminder of the essential role that governance and public administration play in addressing the needs of local communities. It underscores the imperative for responsive and accountable leadership, as well as the tangible impact that infrastructure maintenance and development can have on the lives of citizens.

As the community awaits a resolution to their petition, it is evident that their proactive stance reflects a broader call for effective governance and a commitment to addressing the pressing needs of communities across the nation. The outcome of their efforts will not only shape the physical landscape of their immediate environment but also serve as a testament to the power of civic engagement and advocacy in driving positive change.

-By Tetteh Belinda | Mydailyreports24

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